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Connecting the DOTS

Developmental Opportunities for Transitions in Students

The Connecting the DOTS Seminar described the development and changes in the brain, social and cultural environments and experiences of people in late adolescence and early adulthood, with specific reference to the university environment.  The event was part of the 2021 National Forums Seminar Series and is funded by the National Forum for the Enhancement of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education.

The programme was designed by  Dr Eithne Hunt, Dr Samantha Dockray and Professor Yvonne Nolan,  describe and examine developmentally appropriate scaffolding in curriculum design, learning, teaching and assessment and student support services.

The Seminar is associated with the BrainPower Project.  The BrainPower project created an innovative digital badge (DB) to provide academic/academic support services staff with a greater understanding of the unique developmental stage of adolescence. It will enable staff to tailor curricula and programme management approaches to harness the power and potential of adolescent brain and behaviour for enhanced learning and wellbeing, as students transition into and through higher education. 

BEaTS Lab, School of Applied Psychology,

Cork Enterprise Centre, North Mall, Cork, Ireland

+353 21 490 4504

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